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E-Z UP® Custom Shelters By You  

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Warranty Request


Warranty Claim Form

Submission Information

All claim forms must be submitted with valid proof of purchase (Purchase Receipt, Order Invoice, Bank/Credit Card Statement, etc.)by email. Please refer to our warranty information page for additional details.


E-Z UP Europe BV
Ringveste 7
3992 DD Houten

Personal & Product Information

Street Address *
Street Address 2 (optioneel)
City *
Province *
Zip Code *
E-Z UP Model Name *
Purchased at *
Purchased Date *
Canopy Top Color *
Frame Color *
How long do you normally keep the shelter up at one time? *
About how many days have you used your shelter in the past year? *
Torn Fabric? *

*Indicates Required Fields

Recherche propulsée par ElasticSuite